Saturday, May 30, 2020

New Feature Set Up Recurring Action Items

New Feature Set Up Recurring Action Items Im kind of embarrassed to say this is a new feature over 7 years after we launched JibberJobber.  But here we are, and it is awesome.  This is new, as of last night. Lets say you meet someone and want to reach out to them a few times a year just to keep in touch with them.  They arent someone you are going to follow-up with very often, but you dont want to lose track of them, or fall off of their radar. In JibberJobber, set up their contact record (I would do this by emailing them and BCCing JibberJobber), and then create a Log Entry / Action Item. Under the Action Item tab you will see a new checkbox to make the Action Item recurring (see image).  Internally we code named this feature RAI.  Pretty clever, huh?  (yeah, that stands for Recurring Action Item) When you click the checkbox you will have this new box that you are likely familiar with it is similar to outlook and gmail and other systems where you schedule something recurring.  In this example Im saying I want to follow-up every 3 months (or, each quarter): One challenge we had was, how do NOT show you tons and tons of pending Action Items that could clog up your Log Entry display?  We put future Action Items in a new tab, like this (the spelling will change in the next few weeks to Recurring instead of Recurrent): On the Log Entries tab you wont see a bunch of future recurring Action Items, but if you click on the other tab you will see them, like this (this is a test I did to do a recurring Action Item every day for the next 31 days): We dont want to clog up your Log Entry page with tons of future recurring Action Items but you will see any future Action Items (including recurring Action Items) on the Action Item panel on the home page of JibberJobber (this shows for Monday and Tuesday of next week I erased the name of the person it is associated with): A couple of months ago I was talking with an IT person who manages a lot of development and she said she knew how BIG this project is.  It doesnt seem big when you think about it but to implement it, it is pretty big.  Thats one reason we havent done it before now if you find any issues let us know. I am sure Ill be using this feature A LOT. New Feature Set Up Recurring Action Items Im kind of embarrassed to say this is a new feature over 7 years after we launched JibberJobber.  But here we are, and it is awesome.  This is new, as of last night. Lets say you meet someone and want to reach out to them a few times a year just to keep in touch with them.  They arent someone you are going to follow-up with very often, but you dont want to lose track of them, or fall off of their radar. In JibberJobber, set up their contact record (I would do this by emailing them and BCCing JibberJobber), and then create a Log Entry / Action Item. Under the Action Item tab you will see a new checkbox to make the Action Item recurring (see image).  Internally we code named this feature RAI.  Pretty clever, huh?  (yeah, that stands for Recurring Action Item) When you click the checkbox you will have this new box that you are likely familiar with it is similar to outlook and gmail and other systems where you schedule something recurring.  In this example Im saying I want to follow-up every 3 months (or, each quarter): One challenge we had was, how do NOT show you tons and tons of pending Action Items that could clog up your Log Entry display?  We put future Action Items in a new tab, like this (the spelling will change in the next few weeks to Recurring instead of Recurrent): On the Log Entries tab you wont see a bunch of future recurring Action Items, but if you click on the other tab you will see them, like this (this is a test I did to do a recurring Action Item every day for the next 31 days): We dont want to clog up your Log Entry page with tons of future recurring Action Items but you will see any future Action Items (including recurring Action Items) on the Action Item panel on the home page of JibberJobber (this shows for Monday and Tuesday of next week I erased the name of the person it is associated with): A couple of months ago I was talking with an IT person who manages a lot of development and she said she knew how BIG this project is.  It doesnt seem big when you think about it but to implement it, it is pretty big.  Thats one reason we havent done it before now if you find any issues let us know. I am sure Ill be using this feature A LOT. New Feature Set Up Recurring Action Items Im kind of embarrassed to say this is a new feature over 7 years after we launched JibberJobber.  But here we are, and it is awesome.  This is new, as of last night. Lets say you meet someone and want to reach out to them a few times a year just to keep in touch with them.  They arent someone you are going to follow-up with very often, but you dont want to lose track of them, or fall off of their radar. In JibberJobber, set up their contact record (I would do this by emailing them and BCCing JibberJobber), and then create a Log Entry / Action Item. Under the Action Item tab you will see a new checkbox to make the Action Item recurring (see image).  Internally we code named this feature RAI.  Pretty clever, huh?  (yeah, that stands for Recurring Action Item) When you click the checkbox you will have this new box that you are likely familiar with it is similar to outlook and gmail and other systems where you schedule something recurring.  In this example Im saying I want to follow-up every 3 months (or, each quarter): One challenge we had was, how do NOT show you tons and tons of pending Action Items that could clog up your Log Entry display?  We put future Action Items in a new tab, like this (the spelling will change in the next few weeks to Recurring instead of Recurrent): On the Log Entries tab you wont see a bunch of future recurring Action Items, but if you click on the other tab you will see them, like this (this is a test I did to do a recurring Action Item every day for the next 31 days): We dont want to clog up your Log Entry page with tons of future recurring Action Items but you will see any future Action Items (including recurring Action Items) on the Action Item panel on the home page of JibberJobber (this shows for Monday and Tuesday of next week I erased the name of the person it is associated with): A couple of months ago I was talking with an IT person who manages a lot of development and she said she knew how BIG this project is.  It doesnt seem big when you think about it but to implement it, it is pretty big.  Thats one reason we havent done it before now if you find any issues let us know. I am sure Ill be using this feature A LOT.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Guest post 5 new rules for dealing with race at work

Guest post 5 new rules for dealing with race at work Heres a guest post from Carmen Van Kerckhove. I have learned so much about race from her blog, Racialicious, that I asked her to write five tips for dealing with race at work. She always surprises me and this is no exception. Rule 1: Dont be colorblind. People say this all the time: I dont care if people are black, brown, purple, or polka-dotted. I dont notice color! But thats a lie. All of us notice variations in physical appearance that cause us to draw conclusions as to what race a person is. Then why do people insist on claiming that they dont notice color? Often, its because they are scared to death of being labeled a racist. But heres the thing. Noticing a persons race doesnt make you racist. What does make you racist is if you make assumptions about that persons intellectual, physical, or emotional characteristics based on the race you think the person is. More importantly, when you proclaim that youre colorblind, what youre really implying is that race doesnt matter in America. Race still matters because racism is alive and well. Pretending otherwise negates the everyday experiences of millions of people of color in this country. Rule 2: Understand that diversity training is about protecting the company, not about educating you. Diversity training rarely succeeds at reducing bias or increasing managerial diversity within organizations. So why do companies continue to spend millions of dollars on it every single year? Because theyre afraid of costly lawsuits. If a company gets sued for racial discrimination, it can point to its diversity training program as a good faith effort to eliminate racial discrimination and hopefully win the lawsuit. Ultimately for most companies, diversity training isnt about nurturing diversity in the workplace. Its about protecting the company. Rule 3: When someone tells a racist joke, play dumb. Figuring out how to react when a co-worker makes a racist joke is tricky. If you dont call the person out on her racism, you seem to be condoning the behavior. But if you do say something, you risk alienating him and sabotaging your working relationship. The best response to a racist joke should accomplish 3 things: 1) Communicate that you find this behavior unacceptable. 2) Demonstrate that the joke is racist. 3) Inflict as little damage as possible to your working relationship with the joker. My recommendation? Play dumb. Put on a bewildered expression, act as if you dont understand the joke, and ask your co-worker to explain it to you. He will not be able to explain why the joke is funny without evoking a racist stereotype. You can then question the veracity of this stereotype, thus pointing out the racism of the joke, without being confrontational and without humiliating your co-worker. Racist jokes rely on an unspoken, shared knowledge of racist stereotypes. Without the stereotypes, there is no humor. Rule 4: Think twice before reporting racial discrimination to HR. As difficult as it may be, your first step should almost always be to discuss your concerns directly with the person whom you believe is discriminating against you. Even if the conversation doesnt resolve anything because they deny any wrongdoing, you will look good by having given them a chance to modify their behavior. If youve addressed the issue directly but nothing has changed, go up the chain of command and talk to the persons boss. The supervisor will appreciate you keeping it in the family, and in most cases, is actually the one who has the power to fix the problem. If the behavior continues even after speaking to the persons boss, go to HR, but consider asking for a transfer instead of filing a complaint so that you can extricate yourself from this hostile work environment. Your HR people may actually be grateful that you are suggesting such an easy solution instead of embroiling them in a long, drawn-out investigation. You may be adamant about having the person disciplined for his discriminatory behavior. If thats the case, you should file an official complaint with your HR department, but be aware of the risks. No matter how confidential HR tries to keep this matter, word will spread. Be prepared to deal with backlash in the form of firing, demotion, or social ostracization. Rule 5: Learn about racial stereotypes to advance your career. People of your racial or ethnic group are stereotyped as good employees with a solid work ethic. That should bode well for your career, right? Not necessarily. Even so-called positive racial stereotypes could spell trouble for you in the workplace. Say, for example, youre Asian-American, and your colleagues believe that all Asians are good at science and math. You could have a hard time moving into a client-facing position because your boss thinks youd be better suited crunching numbers in a back office. Professionals need a clear understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses if they want to take their careers to the next level. But if your boss believes a stereotype about your racial or ethnic group, that could contribute to a halo effect, where she feels that your performance is better than it really is. As a result, you wont receive an accurate performance evaluation, and wont know what you need to work on. In the long term, it will hinder your career prospects. Carmen Van Kerckhove is author of the blog Racialicious and president of the diversity consulting firm New Demographic.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Your Career Questions... Answered!

Your Career Questions... Answered! You asked us career questions using this form:   Thank you and keepem coming!   Here is feedback on one of your questions Question 1: I work as a sales rep with a Marketing Degree and studying for my GMAT.   I want to work in sales on a higher level or Marketing Analysis and dont feel like Im on the right path.   Thoughts? Answer: Good question and nice work exploring next steps, not to mention studying for the GMAT!   The great news is that you have 2 focused areas of interest. Sales and Marketing are 2 very different beasts.   First, there is no higher level of sales, only different kinds.   Sales  is sales.   If you are driven by dollars, dont get defeated easily, and always hungry for more, sales is the gig for you.   There are inside sales, field sales, sales with hundreds of clients, and sales with a handful of clients.   Sales management too!   If sales is truly your calling, I would explore the various types to see where you excel most.   Market analysis  is less about working directly with clients and more about looking at big picture trends.   Market analysis is critical for successful businesses.   It involves a lot of  fact-finding  and presenting conclusions.   If market analysis is for you, prior sales experience is beneficial since you will already have an understanding of target markets. When exploring any career move, make a side-by-side PROs and CONs list and write down the positives and negatives of the job.   This exercise alone has the power to guide you toward the  right career decision. Picture yourself in each role and ask, where do I fit more?   Where do my skills shine most?   Which type of environment will I thrive more?   No need to jump into a decision.   Give it a few days or  a week and the best path will open up to you.   Remember, the only thing constant in this world is change.   If we arent changing, we arent growing.   Applaud yourself for taking a leap and moving with change, not against it!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Finding a Year-In-Industry Placement

Finding a Year-In-Industry Placement Most of you would know about Internships their advantages, the work involved, different seasons, etc.  The case of finding a year-in-industry placement is similar. In this post I will be discussing one of my favourite organisations for finding a year-in-industry  placement or longer internships. I have used the resources of this organisation to get an offer of an year-in-industry placement myself. How to get a Year-In-Industry Placement? Doing a year-in-industry placement is very advantageous.  It gives you 12 solid months of working in an industry related to your degree, and thus it is similar to a year out between your academic years, the only difference being you would be working in the industry youre interested in. There are many online websites, including the big names, that advertise 12-month placements. But there is one that stands out from the rest. It is The Year in Industry Organisation. Whilst at university, I signed up with them FREE of cost, some of my friends also did, and as far as I know, those of us who kept a tab and tried hard, did get a placement offer from those companies that interviewed us through them. So, I strongly suggest that any Science/Engineering students should sign up with them and follow the  vacancies  advertised, if you are looking for a year-in-industry placement. How does the Year In Industry Organisation work?  Simply put, they act as a recruiting agent, but ONLY for year-in-industry placements. They  leverage their specialised recruiting skills and advertise vacancies for  employers in the UK. You have to submit some documents to the YINI organisation and your case  will be assigned to  somebody in the organisation. Please remember that  hundreds of students have signed up with them and you have to follow it up with  them, asking them to send your CV to any employers who have advertised  vacancies with them, if you think you match the skills. They will send out your CV, which needs to be filled in in a standard YINI CV-template. So all the applicants apply in the same format, and only what is on your CV will be used to filter students. The  employers will then decide if they want to interview you. If selected, you will be asked to attend an interview. After the interview the YINI officer will be informed of who the employer wants to employ. And you will be informed of the offer by YINI. You dont pay a penny for any of the discussions/consultations. To summarise, have a look at their website and if there is anything you want to comment on, drop me a comment below. For any basic questions, have a look at these  YINI FAQs. Any other resources to find a Year-in-Industry placement? Apart from YINI org., the other traditional methods of finding a placement are useful too. Except, please be careful of how much time you spend of graduate and job websites, as they dont specialise in catering for year-in-industry placements. Personally, I find speculative applications, or speaking to professors and trying to find a contact as the best way to have a breakthrough. Try looking at your universitys job portal for year long internships, work-experience etc., as smaller or local companies at times decide to take on a year-in-industry student as late as September. Remember, for a year-in-industry placement it is never too late, and you can try and find one until the first day of next year. So dont give up, if you really want a year-in-industry placement. 7

Friday, May 15, 2020

Using a Free Resume App

Using a Free Resume AppA free resume app is one of the best things that you can have. You need to make sure that you download an excellent free resume app for your Android phone, in order to make sure that you are not wasting any of your precious time trying to get through the hard part of the job application process.The good thing about a free resume app is that it will give you all of the tools that you need to be able to apply for the job that you want. All of the different forms of job applications that you see online will offer you some form of a free resume app on their site.Free tools are the way to go for a number of reasons. One of them is because they are available for free and you should take advantage of it. If you find a good free resume app that is offering you all of the important tools that you need for an app then you are going to save yourself a lot of time.A free resume app is also going to give you all of the information that you need in order to be able to use th e tool correctly. There are plenty of job applications that will require you to fill out applications by hand. With an app on your Android phone, you will be able to type your answers and make the necessary corrections.A free resume app is going to help you get through the initial stages of the application process. The application itself will provide you with all of the data that you need so that you can type and enter it accurately.Of course, the best part about using a free resume app is that you can use it without having to pay anything. You can sign up for the app in exchange for a free website that you can use.Just like in a great job interview, there are a number of aspects that you need to focus on in order to land that big job that you want. By making sure that you use the right tools to make sure that you get the job you want, you will be able to take your career to the next level.With the free resume app on your Android phone, you will be able to get all of the information that you need for the application and then use it as you would a business card. This will allow you to get the job that you want without spending a lot of money on something that you won't use all that often.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Can You See Me NOW! - Hire Imaging

Can You See Me NOW! - Hire Imaging Stand Out by Jamie Campbell “The value of a social network is defined not only by who’s on it, but by who’s excluded.” ~ Paul Saffo, Silicon Valley Forecaster Social networking is now a standard recruiting tool of recruiters, enabling employers to cut money and time spent on other recruiting methods. Jobvite, a recruiting technology vendor in Burlingame, California, conducted a mid-year 2010 survey, revealing a definite new norm in how companies recruit. Of more than 600 respondents (only 3% Jobvite clients), 73% of HR and recruiter folks said they used social networks or media in recruiting during 2010, while another 9% planned to begin. Jobvite’s President and CEO, Dan Finnigan, said, “Social network recruiting has become a mainstream channel. Job boards launched a revolution in recruiting more than 15 years ago. And now, social networks are doing the same.” (Sources: HR Magazine and The top three sites: • LinkedIn 78% • Facebook 55% • Twitter 45% Other Social Recruiting Survey indicators for 2010 over 2009 spend: • 46% more on social network recruiting • 36% less on job boards • 38% less on third-party recruiters In a nutshell, if you don’t show up in Google today, you don’t exist. Create and manage your digital portfolio. The management piece should be ongoing, whether you’re in job hunt mode or happily employed. It’s about connecting with people. People will get you jobs. People will give you business or help your business. LinkedIn is essential for professional networking. Surveys show that employers look for talent on LinkedIn BEFORE they go to Facebook, Twitter, Job Boards, Search Engines, You Tube etc. But it’s a static site that like a garden, must be tended to and nurtured. Make an ROI-based profile with rich keywords. Maximize use of your Account Settings, Apps, Recommendations, QA, Job Pages, Company Pages and more. Scout out connections and grow your network. Time Magazine recently named Mark Zuckerberg, the creator and CEO of Facebook, its 2010 Person of the Year. “Person of the Year is not and never has been an honor. It is recognition of the power of individuals to shape our world. For connecting more than half a billion people and mapping the social relationship among them (something that has never been done before); for creating a new system of exchanging information that has become both indispensable and sometimes a little scary; and finally for changing how we all live our lives in ways that are innovative and even optimistic, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is Time’s 2010 Person of the Year. ~ Richard Stengel, Time If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest, behind only China and India. It started out as a bit of fun. It’s now impacted the way we connect on a global scale. You can create a Facebook page for your business, department, or professional self. And while you’re showcasing your expertise and professional brand, it’s okay to mix in the non-business side of you. Chemistry and kinship are important in a positive, strong digital presence. Remember the people-helping-people part above? Twitter is fast becoming an essential career management tool. In The Twitter Job Search Guide, authors Susan Whitcomb, Deb Dib and Chandlee Bryan show how you can advance your career using Twitter just 15 minutes a day! Margo Rose founded #HireFriday to connect job seekers to resources. Its been a huge successand just one in a myriad of possibilities! The point is that you can choose to make Twitter, Facebook or other social networking an exclusive vehicle for business connections and visibility building. Social networking is not going away. It’s part of the framework of how we work and how we live. Job search not excluded. Here are two great free tools to help manage your digital presence: • Reach Communications has an Online ID Calculatorâ„¢ , a great tool to walk you through your Google results; and to build an online identity aligned with your real-world personal brand. • Want to see how others see you? Check out Vizibilityâ„¢,   the world’s first SearchMeâ„¢ button/link for Google. At no cost, you can add it to your LinkedIn, Facebook and other online profiles. You are alerted when you are searched on Google; and when your search results change. Are you out there in cyberspace? Do you like what you see? Would you want to connect with you? If not, what could make it better? Comments from recruiters, HR folks and active/passive job candidates welcomed! “It isn’t just what you know, and it isn’t just who you know. It’s actually who you know, who knows you, and what you do for a living.” ~ Bob Burg, Author Speaker

Friday, May 8, 2020

5 Careers That Utilize the Power of Mobile Technology - CareerAlley

5 Careers That Utilize the Power of Mobile Technology - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Mobile technology has revolutionized the daily lives of millions of people around the planet. Ever since the introduction of the first generation of smartphones, the technology has evolved to encompass more tasks that are part of the daily routine. Likewise, mobile technology has also changed the way that many industries have done business. It has brought convenience, power, and innovation to different sectors in the private and public setting. Here are five types of career fields that have taken advantage of the power of mobile technology. When we reach the end of our education, we may have some idea of our options, but its incredibly challenging to know which career path is the right one to take. Tweet This 1. Education Working in education today means that you get much greater access to the technology tools of tomorrow. With mobile technology, educators can get powerful functionality without the pricey investment of individual computers for each student. Instead, teachers can rely on apps through tablets and smartphones to help bring more engaging and interactive material to their students. Mobile technology has also opened up a new world of possibilities for educators who work with students with mental or physical disabilities. 2. Communication Another career field that has been transformed through technology is the communication industry. Individuals working in communications are finding new ways to increase their organizations power and potential, and mobile technology offers several methods. Companies can use tools such as mobile messaging apps, location data services, and mobile social media tools to improve their stake within their market. Universities like USC are helping prepare tomorrows workforce for these new capabilities. 3. Advertising The next career field that is increasingly relying on mobile technology is advertising. If youre planning to start a career in this industry, its important to understand the role of mobile technology in marketing. Traditional means of marketing, such as print, television, radio, and direct mail, are being eclipsed by the new world of digital marketing. This form of advertising stresses the individual user, social media, and interaction to help build a brand identity. 4. Library Science The traditional institution of the library is also a spot where the influence of mobile technology has been felt. If you are embarking on a new career in library science, be prepared to dive into the more advanced methods of mobile technology for information gathering. The modern librarians job is no longer simply about recommending the latest paperback titles. Today, these well-rounded media specialists are becoming partners and guides to the community about the coolest tech tools. Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay 5. Retail Sales The last career field that has seen a huge shakeup due to mobile technology is the retail environment. Instead of being dominated by large corporate retailers, todays retail industry is experiencing a new renaissance of small business stores. Potential business owners are able to conduct business and complete transactions with inexpensive mobile technology. These technologies give business owners access to credit card processing, inventory systems, and cheap advertising through social media. Mobile technology has only just begun to make an impact on the world. While several industries are seeing large changes due to the influence of mobile apps and functionality, expect to see even more widespread transformation throughout every type of career in the near future. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search